Clara has been very excited to pick up our share at the farmer's market each week. She's also been my big helper in the kitchen when all of the veggies need to be cleaned up and put away. This week she wouldn't stop talking about the broccoli. Odd since, as I just told you, broccoli is not my fave and hasn't been included in our meals often. Maybe it's her age or just a phase but Clara loves to dip. I mean, you can give this kid almost anything and if she can dip it into a sauce, she will eat it! Naturally, when it was dinner time the day we brought home the farm box she said that she wanted broccoli and, lo and behold, ate an entire bowl of raw broccoli! Wow, did I feel like super-mom...even if I didn't eat a bite of it. : ) Yes, she dipped the broccoli into a small amount of ranch dressing. I say this is a small price to pay to get some green veggies into a toddler's diet.
I'm off to search online recipes for anything including turnips. Wish me luck!
That's great. Jacob use to but now he won't come close to it. Daniel will if it's covered in cheese and only the tree part not the stem part. I hope that stays with her the rest of her life. Now me on the other hand I love broccoli, raw or cooked.