Monday, April 25, 2011

Possibilities of a Paperless Kitchen

Since Earth Day just past, I have been trying to think of some new ways to improve my stewardship of our amazing planet. As far as going 'green', I would say that my family is middle of the road. While we do participate in our village's recycling program and buy local, organic food whenever possible, I must admit that I do enjoy the convenience of driving my comfortable 'grocery-getter' and using as much water in the shower that is needed to wake up in the morning. However, one wasteful aspect of our life continues to stare me in the face on a daily basis...paper towel.

I recently read the article Going Paper Towel-Less by Margie Monin Dombrowski which contains some disturbing facts about our addiction to paper towel. The amount of paper waste added to landfills each year in addition to the chemicals used on the paper towels that we use to wipe our hands and our kids' faces with has led me to take action.

I am going to attempt to have a paperless kitchen for one week. I realize that this may seem inconsequential in the grand scheme of things but every little bit helps, right? With two toddlers at home all day, this change is sure to be a difficult one. It's a little challenge but a step in the right direction. Anyone willing to make the switch with me?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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