This is my absolute favorite time of the year. Yes, it signals the start of the hectic holiday season but it also brings with it the beauty of nature, yummy food and, most importantly, good times with family.
My girls are beyond excited for Halloween. We are attending as many costume parties as possible to get some mileage out of those outfits! I read an interesting article over at Today's Mama (read it here ) about how Halloween has changed since we were kids. It's true that we are invited to more functions now than I would have thought possible when I was a child; however, I think it's the kid in me that wants to try to let my girls experience as many fun activities as possible. One more trip to the pumpkin patch? Sure. Halloween movie at the library? Absolutely.
What are your feelings about this? Is it getting to be too much or is it a happy improvement to the norm? Also, like Today's Mama, I wonder why DON'T kids still use pillowcases?!?
Just for fun, I added a couple of photos of the handprint ghost puppets that my girls made. Ahhh...tis the season.

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